When we walked in, we unlatched our helmets. The hallways were cold, empty or so it seemed. You could hear our footsteps echo through as our boots hit the floor with each step. The hallways were dark illuminated by fluorescent lights above. Modern but worn.

After having a difficult time sleeping, I decided to get up early to watch the sunrise at Aurora Bay. It’s a great place to gather your thoughts. And it’s this little pocket where the ice doesn’t stay frozen because of its location, higher salt content

I just got into work to find that the glimmer caps had an adverse reaction to the stellarflora in the next environment over… The gasses that were being emitted all night are shrinking things in the environment… Anything living that has reactive properties… Small. Um…

**Notes on Past Events** Associated posts will be linked below. Audio visual notes to follow and to be linked. Landon and his crew filled the hallways, leading to the lab, with as many plants and controlled living organisms that they could. They were filled from

Notes on Past Events** Associated posts will be linked below. Audio visual notes to follow and to be linked. “Good afternoon, Skylar, Landon and Zack. As you know, you will be traveling to Zephyria relatively soon. Practicing the portal, surviving the environments, all the while

[vc_row content_text_aligment="" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no"][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text]**Notes on Past Events** Associated posts will be linked below. Audio visual notes to follow and to be linked. Earth timeline date: July 26th 2023. This was the day we found out about Astrid. We all knew she was down there undercover but,

[vc_row content_text_aligment="" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no"][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text]**Notes on Past Events** Associated posts will be linked below. Audio visual notes to follow and to be linked. --- Today, I had a meeting with Boss about exactly what the definition of my clearance for posting will be. There's a lot to consider. Time